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Monitor your website’s technical health with Lumar

Don’t let website issues that could negatively impact your business take you by surprise. Monitor trends and get alerted as soon as an issue that could negatively impact your site’s traffic or visitor experience, or result in a WCAG non-compliance, is identified.

  • Act quickly with tailored alerts.
  • Focus on what matters most with customizable dashboards.
  • Spot trends and prove investment cases.
Lumar Website Monitoring

Easily detect website changes and trends that impact site performance & accessibility

Whether you’re working on one site, multiple domains, or a specific section of your site, get alerted to new changes immediately and track trends over time with Lumar’s website monitoring features.

Monitor website health
Don’t be surprised by new website issues — get immediate alerts.

Don’t let a website issue sit unnoticed for weeks or months. Quickly see new issues with Lumar Monitor.

Customize dashboards to focus on the metrics that matter most for your team and tailor alerts by issue, threshold, or team member to ensure the right person is equipped to act swiftly if a website issue arises.

Lumar Alerts
Lumar Spot Trends
Mitigate traffic, conversion and accessibility
Spot trends & take action to correct site issues before they become critical

Easily see when a metric is moving in the wrong direction and provide evidence to leadership and key stakeholders to secure resource allocation before a trend becomes a critical issue.

How Lumar helps you keep tabs on your site’s technical health & prevent traffic-sapping issues or accessibility non-compliance

icon of 4 components for at-a-glance metrics and data
Stay up-to-date with multiple domains

Working on multiple domains? No problem. Lumar Monitor helps you spot trends and flag new issues, and gives you alerts across multiple websites—all in one place.

icon representing saving time and building more efficient processes
Save time with in-app trend analysis

No need to download and manipulate data in spreadsheets or third-party apps; spot new issues and trends from within the Lumar platform.

icon representing customizable platform dashboards
Customizable views to focus on key metrics

Avoid the noise with custom views and dashboards that allow you to focus on the data that’s most relevant to you and your team.

thumbs up icon - the best
Hands-on help if you need it

Lumar’s professional services team and accessibility partners are comprised of some of the world’s best technical SEOs and accessibility experts. Engage through a monthly contract for bespoke guidance, ongoing crawl reviews, and tailored strategies.

Why our users love Lumar’s website intelligence platform

SEO & Data Analyst

Lumar is the only enterprise technical platform that does what I need. Lumar continues to have the deepest breadth of reporting across all areas that a true technical SEO needs.

Josh S.

SEO & Data Analyst

SEO, SEM, Content, & Marketing Director

Lumar’s ability to crawl huge websites and assess their technical-SEO health is both invaluable and under-prioritized as an application type by many online businesses, even in the 2020s.

Jeff G.

SEO, SEM, Content, & Marketing Director

Director of SEO

Not only do you get an excellent, useful, modern crawling tool, but the customer support and tech SEO knowledge help your in-house SEO or marketing team get the results your company is looking for.

Becky W.

Director of SEO

  • SEO & Analytics Specialist

    “Lumar (formerly Deepcrawl) is the premier crawl tool, without a doubt. It’s easy to use. It’s easy to gather insights. Most importantly, it’s easy to share those insights with clients and their dev teams who have to actually apply fixes. This is the key piece of the puzzle for a boutique SEO agency like SavvaSSynthesis. Our clients are often in the dark regarding the issues on their websites holding them back (or the opportunities available to make those sites perform better).

    Savvas X.

    SEO & Analytics Specialist

  • Technical SEO Strategist

    “Lumar is fundamental when it comes to technical audits, as the tool carries out an in-depth analysis of each one of our brands. It provides insightful data that helps to shape our decisions. I love how easy it is to connect Lumar with Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Majestic data for each of our brands. Lumar congregates all that data and makes my life a lot easier. Definitely valuable in helping us to identify the highest priority issues in a data set.”

    David McAdam

    Technical SEO Strategist

  • European Fashion Retailer

    “Lumar Protect is a very reliable tool. We used Protect, for example, to check if anything is redirecting where it shouldn’t be. Before, I had to check everything manually but, with Lumar, you can set up tests beforehand and really see what happens. It’s a great relief to know there is something that will notify me if anything has changed.”

    Senior SEO Manager

    European Fashion Retailer

    Lumar heart
free digital marketing ebook - demand gen, digital ops, and your website
How to Make Your Site a Performance Multiplier for Demand Generation

Learn how to utilize website health and SEO as performance multipliers for growth marketing teams’ demand generation efforts.


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