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Check For Not Secure Warnings in Chrome Exclusively With DeepCrawl


Check For Not Secure Warnings in Chrome Exclusively With DeepCrawl

Since January 2017, Chrome has been flagging password and credit card fields as “Not secure” and Google has said they are going to be extending these warnings to flag all text fields on HTTP pages with the launch of Chrome 62 in October 2017.

Google has recently been notifying users who have non-secure forms that they will be showing a “Not secure” warning when visitors enter text in a form on an HTTP page.

Chrome's Not Secure Message

Chrome 62 has been released, and the “Not secure error” is showing for text form fields on HTTP pages.

Chrome Non Secure warning

So What Fields Trigger the Not Secure Warning

Pages with the following form input field types are immediately marked as “Not Secure”, as in the previous version of Chrome:

  • password
  • input name=”ccname”
  • input name=”cardnumber”
  • input name=”cvc”
  • input name=”cc-exp”

Pages with these form field input types are now flagged as insecure when you start entering data into them:

  • text
  • email
  • search
  • number
  • tel
  • url
  • textarea

It is important to ensure that no non-secure form fields exist on the sites that you manage because it could compromise the security of these pages from the perspective of a search engine.


DeepCrawl’s Unique Non Secure Form Fields Report

Following our tests we’ve updated our Non Secure Form Fields report to include all pages with form fields that trigger the “Not Secure” warning in Chrome, making it easy for you to find out if there is any work you need to do to secure your site.

DeepCrawl is the only web crawling platform which can flag Not Secure forms. Simply run a crawl and navigate to the Non Secure Form Fields report to find any URLs which aren’t secure.

DeepCrawl's Non-Secure Form Fields Report

If you have any pages showing in the Non Secure Form Fields report, we strongly urge you to migrate these pages over to HTTPS, or otherwise remove the forms from the page triggering the error in Chrome. Furthermore, non-secure form fields create a poor user experience and are likely to diminish a user’s trust in your site and brand.

If you’re new to DeepCrawl, make sure to start a free, no strings attached trial and find out if your site is ready for Google’s latest security updates. If you’re a DeepCrawl regular, log in, start a crawl and head over to the Non Secure Form Fields report to find out if your pages are triggering Chrome’s error warning.

Avatar image for Sam Marsden
Sam Marsden

SEO & Content Manager

Sam Marsden is Lumar's former SEO & Content Manager and currently Head of SEO at Busuu. Sam speaks regularly at marketing conferences, like SMX and BrightonSEO, and is a contributor to industry publications such as Search Engine Journal and State of Digital.


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