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Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) – Is Your Website Accessible?

May 16, 2024 is Global Accessibility Awareness Day – Is your website inclusive and accessible for all of your visitors?

Banner text reads: Lumar - Website accessibility guides and resources for Global Accessibility Awareness Day. An illustration shows an image of two clasped hands

Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)! For the past 13 years, GAAD participants have hosted digital events to get people talking about digital accessibility.

So, what better time to ask… is your website inclusive and accessible for all of your visitors?

Whether you’re just starting out on your digital accessibility journey or you’re already a seasoned pro, we’ve rounded up a batch of web accessibility resources that can help you ensure your site is compliant with WCAG standards, meeting usability principles, and inclusive for a wider audience. 

You can also now watch our free webinar held today for GAAD on-demand: “Prepare Your Website for New Accessibility Rules”.

Check out the full list of website accessibility resources below. ⬇️ 


Free On-Demand Digital Accessibility Webinars

Get started with digital accessibility - Lumar webinar featuring website accessibility experts from Skyscanner and Quality Logic

Watch Now: Getting Started With Digital Accessibility

Learn how to get started with web accessibility and build a more inclusive (and compliant!) website in this on-demand Lumar webinar. Featuring experts from Skyscanner and Quality Logic.

Banner for the On-Demand Lumar Webinar: Fix and Prevent Common Website Accessibility Issues. Photos of 3 people who spoke at the event are included on the banner as well as the QualityLogic logo

Watch Now: Fix & Prevent Common Accessibility Issues 

Feeling overwhelmed by website accessibility (a11y) issues? Not sure how to create the right processes and workflows to make your site more inclusive? Struggling to meet WCAG guidelines? This is the webinar for you.


Web Accessibility Guides & Resources

Explore more accessibility topics in our Website Intelligence Academy.

Or browse common website accessibility issues – and how to fix them — in our A11y Issues Wiki.

Article Banner - The Business Case for Website Accessibility. Image shows two women working at a laptop.

The Business Case for Website Accessibility

Ready to get your organization on board with digital accessibility? There are plenty of business benefits associated with website accessibility improvements — read on to make a strong case to your leadership team.

The Future of Website Accessibility - Social Banner shows Lumar logo and a photo of the webinar speaker, Clyde Valentine of QualityLogic.

The Future of Website Accessibility: Emerging Trends + Technologies

Where is digital accessibility headed? From legal shifts to the impact of AI, learn about the trends and technologies guiding the future of web accessibility.


Website Accessibility Tools

Lumar’s website optimization platform offers a robust set of website accessibility tools — start exploring these platform features today with a Lumar a11y demo

Lumar on-demand webinar. Solutions Showcase: Website Accessibility Audits in Action. Banner shows both webinar speakers, Andrew Levey, Head of Product Marketing, and Matt Ford, Product Manager at Lumar.

How to Conduct Web Accessibility Audits Using Lumar

See Lumar’s web accessibility tools in action in this on-demand accessibility audit demonstration, featuring our platform experts.

Lumar Product Announcement - New AI Generated Website Accessibility Suggested Solutions in the Lumar Platform. Image shows an example of what the AI-assisted web accessibility suggestions look like.

New AI-Powered A11y Recommendations in Lumar

Spending hours scouring WCAG documentation to fix your website’s accessibility issues? Save time with Lumar’s AI-assisted website accessibility recommendations.

Banner text reads: Is your site accessible? Find out with Lumar's a11y metrics. Lumar logo and icons representing aspects of website accessibility are also shown on the banner.

Try Lumar’s Website Accessibility Features

If you’re feeling inspired to prioritize your website’s accessibility, we’d love to invite you to see Lumar’s accessibility tools in action with a personalized platform demo

With Lumar, you can get site-wide website accessibility insights, faster than ever.  🤝  Lumar offers:

We hope you find these resources useful! And while you’re here… why not give us a follow on LinkedIn or Twitter/X to stay up-to-date with all the latest news in website optimization? 💜

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Lumar Editorial Team

The Lumar editorial team is comprised of our senior content lead, in-house SEO experts, and an excellent team of contributing writers and guest experts who regularly provide quotes and professional insights into a variety of digital marketing and SEO topics.


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