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Get to know Lumar — your command center for website health

How to streamline digital operations for your business with Lumar's website intelligence platform.

discover Lumar's website intelligence SaaS platform - your command center for website technical health

You may have noticed some changes here in recent weeks — for one, Deepcrawl is now Lumar — and we’ve just introduced our brand new Impact features

With all of the new developments here at Lumar, we thought it’d be a great time to reintroduce you to our full website intelligence platform, show you how Lumar helps businesses around the globe realize their websites’ full commercial potential, and share our vision for the future of website intelligence. 


What does Lumar do?

Lumar helps businesses see their websites’ technical foundations in a new light — so brands can easily identify and implement the website changes that will have the most impact on their digital-driven growth. 

website intelligence illustration
With Lumar, businesses streamline their digital operations with a centralized command center for maintaining and improving websites’ technical health. 

Our website intelligence platform is powered by our proprietary, ultra-fast, and ultra-flexible website crawler — and designed to unite cross-functional website teams with a single source of truth.

What’s more: Lumar is built for enterprise scale — our crawler can handle millions of pages at speeds up to 450 URLs/second. 

Lumar simplifies website monitoring, technical SEO analytics, and quality assurance testing. And our automation tools make it easy to prevent new technical SEO issues from being introduced to a website in the first place. 

With robust reporting options, tailored alerts, integrations with popular business intelligence tools, and a Lumar API, we help businesses prioritize and enhance one of their most important marketing and sales assets — their website. 


The Lumar platform

Graphical representation of Lumar Monitor.


Lumar’s Monitor app saves teams significant time with an instant overview of websites’ key technical health metrics across all their domains and key site sections — in one place. Businesses can mitigate the risk of crucial traffic losses with customizable alerts that enable them to identify and fix issues quickly. And there’s no need to download and analyze data in separate spreadsheets — Lumar Monitor tracks trends over time and allows users to overlay site sections to easily compare metrics, right from the app.

Lumar Impact


Our Analyze app gives users the power to dive deep into their sites’ technical health with 250+ built-in reports and boundless opportunities for custom data extraction. Powered by Lumar’s ultra-fast website crawler, Analyze provides deep insights at enterprise scale — faster than ever.

Graphical representation of Lumar Analyze.

Illustration representing Lumar Protect for automated QA testing


Website updates pose the risk of new SEO issues being introduced to the site through new code releases and poorly executed content additions. Lumar’s Protect enables businesses to take a proactive approach to SEO and prevent traffic-sapping errors from being introduced to their sites in the first place. Protect offers innovative automation for SEO quality assurance testing and full control over quality thresholds. Users can choose when to prevent a site update entirely, if QA thresholds are not met, or to simply alert developers of the potential issues. 


Lumar’s Impact features show businesses how their site compares to top players in their industry vertical so they can quickly see where they’ve got a competitive advantage—or where they need to improve. Our URL funnel helps users map SEO opportunities to the impactful factors that influence their search engine ranking. 

Illustration representing Lumar's impact features for Technical SEO and website health

Lumar integrations to other platforms - streamline your website intelligence data


With our many integrations, Lumar’s website intelligence data can easily be connected to a business’s existing tech stack with integrations for major analytics and business intelligence platforms. 

The Lumar API

Our GraphQL API gives businesses even more control over their website intelligence data. Developers can create custom apps tailored to their organization’s unique needs, opening up even more possibilities to integrate their website data with wider business metrics in bespoke ways. 

website intelligence illustration

lumar website intelligence platform - digital ops

Professional Services

Lumar’s in-house technical SEO experts work hand-in-hand with our customers through professional services contracts, serving as an extension of their own teams. Our professional services partnerships are tailored to each customer’s needs, offering technical site audits, parity audits, SEO strategy guidance, log file analysis, custom dashboard development, website migration support, and more. 


Why it matters  

It’s no secret: technically sound, high-performing websites can drive enormous business growth. 

Armed with Lumar’s website intelligence insights, QA automation, task management, and monitoring tools, businesses can improve their search engine rankings and create better digital experiences for their customers. 

Here’s why that matters:

  • Brand Awareness: We’re in a search-first age. When people have questions about just about anything, chances are, they’re turning to search engines like Google. Websites that are optimized to rank highly in search engines’ results pages (SERPs) offer a major opportunity to increase brand awareness — and sales. (To put this shift to a search-first mindset into context, before the onset of the pandemic, Google processed over 3.5 billion searches per day, but in the first year of the pandemic alone, Google reported 5.6 billion per day. That’s a 60% increase in searches in one year—and today, it’s even more.) 
  • Customer Experience, Conversions, & Revenue: When a website is slow to load or otherwise unfriendly to users, they usually don’t stick around. Even a one-second delay in mobile load times can impact conversion rates by up to 20%, according to Mary Ellen Coe, president of Google Customers Solutions. Businesses that have the website intelligence insights they need to monitor and improve key user experience factors on their website are poised to retain and convert more visitors. 
  • Customer Acquisition Costs: With the decline of third-party cookies on the horizon and increasing costs for paid ads online, organic marketing channels like search are likely to capture more attention from CMOs. If a business presently spends significant sums on paid ads to drive website traffic and conversions, driving that same traffic (or a portion of that traffic) through organic search instead of through PPC ads could give brands the leeway to reduce ad spend

  • Digital Operations: Marketing siloes are breaking down — marketing, sales, and product teams are increasingly cross-functional and the need for collaboration across these teams is expanding beyond the limits of traditional department-specific operational frameworks like Marketing Ops or Dev Ops. Companies that adopt a broader Digital Ops framework need insights that can be shared across teams. A comprehensive website intelligence solution like Lumar aims to unite marketing, engineering, product, and leadership teams with a single source of truth when it comes to their website’s technical health and help teams align on their digital efforts.  

How we do it

The fastest website crawler on the market

Lumar’s proprietary website crawler is the engine at the core of our platform. Its speed and flexibility enable us to continue expanding our website intelligence offering into new disciplines and industry sectors. 

Many of our customers are enterprise businesses whose sites house hundreds of thousands (if not millions!) of individual pages. Extracting actionable insights on websites of that size used to be a very time-consuming process. That’s why Lumar’s website crawler is built for speed and scale

Our platform offers crawl speeds of up to 450 URLs per second for non-rendered content, and 350 URLs per second for JavaScript-rendered content — that’s fast

Lumar's ultra-fast website crawler for enterprise scale SEO

Innovative, perpetual product development

Lumar was founded by technical SEO experts with decades of experience in the wider technology space. As we’ve grown our engineering and product teams, we’ve also grown our vision to include a broader vision of website intelligence.

We’re constantly building out new features with an eye toward expanding our offering to cover even more technical website analytics, additional disciplines, broader marketing insights, and efficiency-boosting task management solutions that help unite cross-functional teams working under the umbrella of digital operations

Lumar Spot Issues

Actionable insights

Lumar is designed to bring clarity to website teams. Our new in-app traffic funnel feature helps users meaningfully map the impact of SEO opportunities across the factors that will help their sites rank well in the search results and provide conversion-driving digital experiences. And our technical health scores and industry benchmarks let businesses see how their websites compare to top performers in their specific industry vertical. 

Lumar Traffic Funnel

In-house website optimization experts

In addition to our website intelligence SaaS platform, Lumar offers professional services for businesses that want to extend their internal teams’ capacity. We employ some of the best technical SEOs on the planet — they regularly speak worldwide at industry conferences, share their expertise on webinars and in the media, and they’re an integral part of providing value to our customers. 

Our professional services team partners with Lumar users to work as an extension of their internal teams and provide ongoing SEO guidance, organic search strategies, tailored website audits, and customized solutions. It’s mentioned over and over in Lumar’s customer reviews: one of the things that truly sets us apart from others in the website intelligence space is our customer-centric, hands-on team.   


What’s next for Lumar?

Our updated brand identity accompanies an expanded vision for the future of SEO in the form of website intelligence. We’re releasing additional product features aimed at providing digital leaders with at-a-glance website monitoring capabilities and clear, actionable insights into their websites’ technical health and performance.  

Speaking to our customers and to other digital leaders, we recognize that a pain point exists around uniting all of the varying roles that work on a website, including marketing, SEO, engineering, product, UX, and leadership teams. Our expanded platform roadmap will help align cross-functional digital teams with a centralized source of knowledge and a common language for website health efforts — so you can make your website’s technical health the business-wide priority it should be.  


More resources for digital leaders

Reducing Customer Acquisition Costs With SEO

We explore how organic marketing channels like search can help marketers better allocate their budget by driving website traffic and conversions through SEO instead of paid channels.


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