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Google Webmaster Hangout Notes: November 29th 2016

google webmaster hangouts recaps - SEO tips

Notes from the Google Webmaster Hangouts on the 29th of November, 2016.


Submit Old URLs in Sitemaps when Moving Domains

When moving domains, you can submit old redirecting URLs in a Sitemap with a last-modified date on either domain, to help get them re-crawled more quickly.


Migrate Domains During Quiet Periods

Do a domain move during less busy periods to minimise the disruption from the changing search results.


Chrome Will Show Error Message for Non-HTTPS Login

In january 2017, Chrome will include a warning for login pages on HTTP.


Domain Migrations Should Take Couple of Days

A domain migration should be completed within a couple of days provided everything is set up correctly.


JavaScript Rendering Has a Timeout

If pages cannot be JavaScript rendered within a ‘reasonable’ time, then the rendering might fail and Google will revert to the HTML version.


PageRank to Noindex Pages is Passed On

PageRank from links to pages which are noindexed will still be passed on to other pages via internal links.


Google Recognises Unique Content

Google tries to recognise unique content on a page which are not on other pages on the web, and content which is duplicated on other pages on the same website, which will not considered the primary content on the page.


No Plans for AMP to be Ranking Factor

John is not aware of any plans at Google to make AMP a ranking factor.


Link Position Doesn’t Affect Weight

The position of links in content doesn’t affect the weighting.


New Content Inherits a Domain Quality Score

Google doesn’t have a domain authority score, but new content for any site Google falls back to a general quality rating until they can establish specific quality information for the page.


Google Might Show Redirected Domains in Search

Google might display a redirected domain in search results for geo-specific queries.

Avatar image for Adam Gordon
Adam Gordon

Former Product Manager at Deepcrawl (2015-2019).


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