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CTR based on search engine result position

Website Content

Is your content relevant and readable to both humans and search engines? These resources will help you optimize your website content for better organic search results.

Is your website content optimized for both readers and search engines?

You’ve likely heard the oft-quoted aphorism: “Content is king.” Your content is the reason your page exists and it’s important to ensure that both users and search engines are getting as much as possible out of your content to support the users’ journey toward conversion. On the SEO side of things, your content helps determine where your page will rank in the search results and should be supported by best practices relating to both your primary content and content elements that are largely hidden from the human eye (like alt tags, title tags, and canonical tags).

Browse our collected SEO articles, webinars, and guides for website content improvement below. Brought to you by the team behind Lumar’s Website Intelligence Platform.

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