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Domain Migration

Check out our in-depth website migration checklist for a practical guide on managing a site migration project.

Domain migration is the process of moving a website from one domain to another and involves migrating all content and resources. There are several things that need to be considered to ensure the migration is successful and doesn’t affect a website’s performance in search. In our SEO Office Hours Notes below we cover these factors, commonly asked site migration questions, and best practice advice from Google.


Don’t Disallow a Migrated Domain

If you disallow a migrated domain, Google can’t follow any of redirects, so backlink authority cannot be passed on.

10 Jan 2017

Don’t Change URLs and Domains at the Same Time

Don’t change URL paths when changing domains or protocol, as it makes it harder for Google to process the change.

2 Dec 2016

Submit Old URLs in Sitemaps when Moving Domains

When moving domains, you can submit old redirecting URLs in a Sitemap with a changed date, on either domain, to help get them re-crawled more quickly.

29 Nov 2016

Migrate Domains During Quiet Periods

Do a site move during less busy periods to minimise the disruption from the search results.

29 Nov 2016

Domain Migrations Should Take Couple of Days

A domain migration should be completed within a couple of days provided everything is set up correctly.

29 Nov 2016

Multiple Domain Moves is OK

You can move backwards and forwards between domains using 301 redirects to do a clean move to a temporary domain, then another move to a new or old domain.

15 Nov 2016

Migrate to HTTPS If You’re Moving Domains

If you are going to migrate your domain, it’s best to migrate to HTTPS at the same time. However changing URL structure and moving to a new domain is much harder for Google to pick up.

4 Nov 2016

Domain Redirects Should Remain for at Least a Year

Site move domain redirects should remain in place for at least a year, ideally as long as possible.

18 Oct 2016

Changing Servers Resets Crawl Rate

If you move to a new ‘server infrastructure’, Google may reduce the crawl rate until it has confidence that it can crawl at a faster rate.

8 Jul 2016

Don’t Change Content During a Domain Move

If you are moving domains, don’t change the content at the same time.

6 Feb 2016

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