Internal Linking
Internal linking is important for both user experience and search engine crawlers, to help them find relevant and important pages. Our SEO Office Hours recaps on internal linking topics cover queries including the importance of internal links for SEO, how anchor text is used as a ranking signal, and how Google handles internally linked parameter URLs for indexing.
For more on internal linking, check out: 5 Internal Linking Strategies to Boost SEO and Drive Organic Traffic
Internal Links Opening in New Window Are Treated Normally
Internal links which open in a new window are treated the same as any other link.
Links on Mobile Pages Will Be Used For the Link Graph
Mobile-first indexing will use the links on your mobile pages for calculating the link graph.
Orphaned Pages may be Noindexed
Orphaned pages will be re-crawled, taking up some crawl budget, and usually remain indexed, and can still show up in search results but if there are no internal links then they will be considered unimportant, and they might eventually fall out of the index.
PageRank to Noindex Pages is Passed On
PageRank from links to pages which are noindexed will still be passed on to other pages via internal links.
Use Linking and Noindex to Control Sitelinks
Google has removed the Remove Sitelink option in Search Console, as they had demoted the power of it, so you cannot remove them directly in any way. But you can change your internal linking, a clean navigation in particular, to promote pages, and use a noindex to remove any pages from Google’s index completely.
Google May Choose a Redirect URL Instead of the Target
The selection of a canonical URL is also based on redirects, internal and external links, and Sitemaps, but even in the case of a redirect, Google might still choose to index the redirect source instead of the target.
Banner Links Pass Authority
A banner linking directly to content from your home page will spread "value" to these pages.
Context of Links Affect Link Relevancy
In addition to the anchor text of a link, the ‘Context’ of links can be used to infer the content of the target page which seems to indicate the content on the linking page is also relevant.
Google Processes Links Almost Immediately
John says that new links to new or existing pages are picked up and processed almost immediately.
Multiple Links From a Page to Another Count Once
Multiple links from one page to another are only counted once for PageRank, even if the anchor text is different. He is vague on the impact of the separate anchor text.