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Penalties in Google Search

Google and other search engines may penalize sites that are deemed low quality, spam, or are seen to be using manipulative SEO methods to rank higher. This will cause some websites to suffer in organic search results and can take time to rectify. As it is important to understand the cause of penalties and how to handle them, our SEO Office Hours notes below compile advice from Google’s “SEO Office Hours” sessions with recommendations for avoiding organic search penalties.

Only Use Disavow if WebSpam Team Would Likely Issue Manual Action

John recommends using the Disavow Tool if you think that the WebSpam Team would likely give you a manual action for the links in question. However, for most websites that aren’t actively attempting to manipulate rankings with suspicious link building practices it isn’t worth using the Disavow Tool.

22 Jan 2019

No Penalty For Overuse of Fetch & Render But Limits Exist

There is no penalty for continual use of Fetch & Render, however there are some limits to the frequency with which you can use this tool.

22 Jan 2019

Unresolved Manual Action Penalties May Take Years to Expire

If you ignore a manual action penalty, it may take years to expire. You should try to fix the cause, and submit a reconsideration request.

21 Dec 2018

Submit Reconsideration Requests Separately For Different Subdomains

Submit reconsideration requests separately if manual actions have been received for different subdomains, and make sure the disavow files are updated for each one.

5 Oct 2018

There is No Penalty For Hiding Content For Screen Readers

There is no penalty for hiding content on a page that has the sole purpose of being used for screen readers, as long as it is consistent with other content on the page. The web spam team may assess intent to deceive search engines in these cases.

21 Sep 2018

Internally Duplicated Content Isn’t Penalised But Can Waste Crawl Budget

Google doesn’t penalise sites for duplicating content internally but it can waste crawl budget.

24 Aug 2018

Links Can be Ignored Algorithmically and Manually by Google

Links can be ignored algorithmically and manually by the Web Spam Team when they are taking manual action on a site to block the site from passing PageRank.

24 Aug 2018

The Web Spam Team is Actively Working to Deal With Sites Manipulating Rankings With Expired Domains

The Web Spam Team is actively working to deal with sites looking to manipulate rankings using expired domains. John says that this isn’t a simple loophole that’s being exploited, but there may be cases where people are getting away with these spammy techniques.

24 Aug 2018

Avoid Linking Between Your Own Sites Unless Relevant to Avoid Manual Action

Make sure you only have relevant links between the sites you own, otherwise the Google manual action team could investigate your sites for implementing link exchange tactics.

26 Jun 2018

SafeSearch Requests Can Take Weeks to be Processed

Requests to tell Google that your content is mistakenly being filtered by SafeSearch can take a few weeks to be processed by the SafeSearch Team.

12 Jun 2018

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