Search Algorithms
Search engines have complex search algorithms which are used to ensure they are able to display the most relevant and useful results to their users. While algorithm changes are common and won’t usually affect a site’s ranking, search engines such as Google will occasionally introduce a major update which may impact search results. Our Hangout Notes cover insights from Google around these algorithms with best practice advice.
Expect Ranking Fluctuations For New Content
Brand new content will normally see ranking fluctuations for a couple of weeks until Google settles on how high the page should be ranked. A page’s content is secondary to the technical aspect of deciding relevance and placement.
Engagement Metrics Are Used To Evaluate Algorithms
Engagement metrics, like bounce rate, aren’t used as a ranking signal on a page level. However, Google will use engagement metrics to analyse which algorithms are working well and which aren’t across billions of queries.
Google’s Ad & Search Systems Don’t Interact With Each Other
There is no crosstalk between Google’s ad and search systems, so running ads to a page will have no impact on how it ranks in search.
The March 7th Algorithm Update Was About Relevance Rather Than Quality
The March 7th update was around relevance, so ranking losses won’t have been about a site’s quality but how relevant it actually is for the search queries it ranks for. John recommends getting objective user feedback on how you can better serve them.
Google Adwords Uses Different Algorithms to Organic Search
Google Adwords uses different algorithms to the organic search algorithms, so if you see your site appearing for certain topics in Keyword Planner this isn’t indicative of how your site is seen for search.
Google Uses Behavioural Metrics to Evaluate Algorithms Not to Influence SERPs
Google uses user behaviour when evaluating algorithms using millions of URLs and looking at how algorithms are competing with each other and which ones are working best. However, on a small scale Google doesn’t use behavioural metrics like bounce rate or short clicks to influence SERPs.
Google Doesn’t Use Text-to-HTML in Algorithms
Google don’t use text to HTML ratio in their algorithms. It is fine for some sites to have more HTML than others.
Google Identifies Adult Content on Site, Section & Page Level Basis
Google can identify adult-type content on a site, section and page level. It is possible to check how Google is classifying a site by searching for it with safe search switched on and off.
Google Doesn’t Sandbox New Sites
Google doesn’t have a sandbox acting as a filter on new sites. There are a number of algorithms that might look similar to a sandbox, but these understand how the website fits in with others trying to rank for those queries. In some cases this might result in pages ranking higher or lower for a time, while Google figures out where it should rank.
URLs Are a Minor Ranking Signal
Google does use some content from URLs for ranking, but it’s a very minimal signal.