Search Queries
A search query is the word or string of words a user types into a search engine and will be used to determine the most relevant and useful results for what they are looking for. Our Hangout Notes cover insights from Google around how they use and understand search queries, along with recommendations for optimising your site for searcher intent.
The Link Search Operator Doesn’t Work for All Websites
The Link: search operator in Google doesn’t work for all websites due to a bug, but hasn’t been retired.
Google Detects Accented Characters as Synonyms
For words with accented characters, because people search for both, Google is usually able to detect them as synonyms and return similar results.
Info: Query Shows Indexed Data
An info: query in Google gives you a page’s true indexed data, instead of site: which will always try to return something.
Monitor a Site Using Google Alerts with Site: Query
You can use Google Alerts with a site: query as a means to spot potential problems.
Site: Queries Can Produce Strange Results
site: queries can produce some strange results so don’t worry if you see something weird.