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Inaccessible ARIA treeitem node name (A11y Best Practices)

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What does this accessibility issue mean?

Every ARIA treeitem node should have an accessible name defined.

The name attribute provides a description of the purpose of the tree item, making it easier for assistive technology users to understand its function.

Issue details
  • WCAG Level BP
  • Severity: Serious
  • Category: Aria (BP)
  • Rule ID: aria-treeitem-name

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Example HTML violation: Inaccessible ARIA treeitem node name (A11y Best Practices)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" class="no-js">
    <title>Violating Aria Treeitem Name Rule</title>
    <ul role="tree">
      <li role="treeitem"></li>

The provided HTML violates the aria-treeitem-name accessibility rule, which mandates that each treeitem must have an accessible name. In this case, the violation occurs because the treeitem in the HTML does not have a name.


How to fix "Inaccessible ARIA treeitem node name (A11y Best Practices)" issue

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" class="no-js">
    <title>Conforming with Aria Treeitem Name Rule</title>
    <ul role="tree">
      <li role="treeitem" id="item1" aria-label="tree item one">Item One</li>

This version solves the issue by adding the aria-label attribute to the treeitem, which provides a name that describes the item in the tree structure.

The id attribute helps to create a unique ID for each item, even though it is not necessarily required for this accessibility rule.

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